The I AM Mbare School for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, under the umbrella of the Non-Governmental Organization I AM ZIMBABWE, provides free education for approximately 400 children (aged 3 – 12 years) in the high density suburb of Mbare. While at school, the children receive one nutritious meal a day, which is sometimes their only food source. The current shutdown in Zimbabwe, necessitated by COVID-19, has exacerbated an already dire hunger situation, especially due to the fact that the grandparents and guardians of many of the children can no longer earn even a few dollars through the selling of produce and other small items.
Our goal is to provide a food parcel containing a bag of mealie meal, a bag of sugar, a bottle of oil and a bunch of vegetables for as many families from the school as possible. Due to the uncertainty of when the lockdown will be lifted and when schools will be reopened, we are hoping that this food parcel will help feed a family for at least the next 1-2 weeks.
With the understanding and acknowledgement of the incredible challenges that we are all facing during this unprecedented time, we know that giving may be difficult. However, any amount donated, no matter how large or small would be much appreciated and very helpful in supporting our cause. 100% of the proceeds raised will be used for the purchase of food.
On behalf of the members of I AM Mbare, thank you in advance for your generosity and compassion.