Sports, Arts and Culture


Sports, such as football and netball, play an integral role of peace and justice due to the spirit of unity that develops when different groups within the communities develop relationships through competition. The annual Sports Galas are one such example of this unity. These bring out hundreds of community members to engage in planned activities, support the Junior and Senior sports teams and build a general sense of camaraderie and fun. This is also an awareness campaign strategy where police are invited to help us with education around the dangers of excessive substance abuse, child abuse and gender based violence.

Arts and Culture

International Days to commemorate certain topics are celebrated through music, drama, dance and storytelling. We recognize International Women’s Day, International Youth Day and Day of the African Child, among others. During these celebrations, our activities highlight the importance of empowerment and protecting the rights and dignity of each population celebrated.

*please note that images displayed on this page are pre and post-COVID-19*