Dear friends,
We have some sad news to share, but also a glimmer of joy in the midst of our sadness. We found out today that the ‘special care’ member of I AM Mbare whom I shared pictures of in my last update, passed away today. The organization had been helping this gentleman for the past 3 years and he and Edward had grown very close. He was always so very appreciative of the help he received and the last time Edward visited him on Monday, he joked about wanting a bicycle to ride because he was feeling strong from the food he had received. We’re grateful that your donations enabled us to keep him nourished and grateful for the joy he spread to all who met him.
As for the glimmer of joy, we have now passed our target of $10,000 which is miraculous to say the least! To be more specific, including the $500 that was donated to us by someone in Zimbabwe, this campaign has now raised $10,598. We are overwhelmed with gratitude at your generosity and the continued generosity of new donors. We are now preparing for our 4th distribution. We will keep you posted on how many families we can feed with the $1495 that we now have. May God bless and watch over you all.