Dear friends,
I am grateful to be able to post another update about our ongoing food relief efforts. Earlier this week, I AM ZIMBABWE received 75 new bicycles from World Bicycle Relief for use in COVID-19 outreach. The bicycles will be distributed evenly between all communities under I AM Zimbabwe. Today, the I AM Mbare team was able to use their bicycles to help in the distribution of mealie meal, oil and cabbages to another 200 vulnerable families (please visit the link below for pictures).
To date, with GoFundMe donations totaling $8784, plus an additional $500 from a Zimbabwean businessman, we have raised $9,284 and have been able to feed an incredible 800 families. The initial target of this campaign was $1000. How humbling it has been to witness the generosity and outpouring of love that has been shown to the orphans and vulnerable families in Mbare, Zimbabwe, even in the face of continued hardships across the globe. Our ‘money chest’ has now dwindled down to $160, but our fund will remain open in the hopes that well wishers will continue to share our campaign and others will feel moved to give.
We thank God for bringing so many wonderful people and resources into the I AM ZIMBABWE organization, and for giving founder Edward Tsango and the I AM Mbare team the strength and dedication to continue to serve the most vulnerable in their community. The need is still great, so we appreciate your continued prayers, donations and support.
Tinotenda zvikuru (we thank you very much). ❤️