I AM Masasa joined I AM Zimbabwe on February 9th 2016. We are now in our 5th year of operating in Masasa, an area which is comprised of mostly industrial infrastructure and buildings . Despite the political challenges we have faced over the past 5 years, such as evictions, our main achievements have been the ability to combat the many challenges faced by the youth, elderly, and people with disabilities, through programs and workshops. These challenges include early pregnancy, child prostitution (sex working), early marriages and drug abuse.
As a team, I AM Masasa engaged in various awareness campaigns including cleaning of the environment and drug abuse prevention. We also attended healing and training workshops. Since the onset of the corona pandemic, we have donated masks and sanitizers, and have also participated in education of residents around how to fight against Covid -19 (coronavirus).
We currently have 10 active members and are grateful for their participation as well as to the founder of I AM Zimbabwe.