“It is more blessed to give than receive.”
TURBO BABY WEAR is one of the leading baby wear shops in the Harare, known for selling the highest quality goods at an affordable price and has has been a valued partner and supporter of our work at I AM Mbare. On July 28th, @turbobabywear once again showed their commitment to helping the more vulnerable members of our community. As we have mentioned in previous posts, I AM Mbare is currently working hard to provide much needed assistance to expectant teenage mothers. @turbobabywear responded to the plight of these young women by generously gifting them with a plethora of baby items, listed in the picture below.
We were able to give a package of these items to a teenage mother who recently conceived a baby boy, and we will continue to provide the packages to additional teenage mothers, as their babies are born.
@turbobabywear responded to and acted upon a heartfelt need within our community, and have promised to continue their support of this worthy cause. The impact that their gifts will have on the lives of these vulnerable babies and their mothers cannot be understated. The love and generosity that they have shown is tremendous. As such, we would again like to express our sincere gratitude to @turbobabywear, both for their previous support of our COVID-19 Food Relief Campaign and now for their generous donation to the vulnerable teenage mothers. Thank you Turbo Baby Wear for your continued recognition and honour of those in need, especially during this traumatising time of COVID-19.
***For anyone who would like to make additional donations to the beloved babies and their mothers, please visit @turbobabywear (number 56 , corner Leopold Takawira and bank street, Harare) where bulk purchases will be granted a significant discount.***